Monday, December 7, 2009

Santa Baby!!

Saturday we had some family photos taken with Miss Annabell and a few of just her! Once again, Rachel Austin amazed us with her photography talents!! She almost erased any signs of sleep deprivation on the face of my husband and myself, which is a feat in itself, as we have permanent dark circles at this point. Not to mention the fact that I consistently look like I could use a shower and smell like Similac most of the time!

Saturday was also the celebration of my mom's 59th Birthday. We ventured to Shogun's where Annabell slept through fire, clanking of knives and even singing. She has been an excellent baby for the most part. But believe me, she can use those lungs when she wants!! I am slowly learning that I do not have to be at her beck and call each time I hear a peep out of her. But as any new mom will probably tell you, its hard at first to hear them cry. I will be ever so greatful when she reaches an age where she can tell me what she needs.....until then, we are figuring it out!

Marshall Party of 3

Monday, November 30, 2009

Body Glitter Seemed Like a Good Idea

Annabell is here!! Yes after 15 hours of labor, she decided to make her entrance!! She is currently ruling her Kingdom at the Marshall home.

Monday morning, after a surprisingly good night of sleep, I awoke chipper, showered, packed and even applied make-up and some body glitter (borrowed from my dear friend Jamie over a year ago and not given back because it does give you just the right amount of shimmer) for post delivery pics. I was determined to not look like those mothers who are washed up, red and sweaty after delivery. (Now those of you that have had children are laughing at this and those of you that haven't....well let me fill you in...You will look washed up, red and sweaty-just face it). I then made my way to the donut shop for breakfast with my much more nervous husband. After a quick bite to eat, we headed to the hospital where I immediately informed the nurse that I would need an epidural just as soon as it was possible. She immediately let me know that I had to dilate first and then endure a few contractions before they would administer this........however, they would let me have pain medication. This was at 8am. At 3pm I was having contractions, no epidural and had taken the nurse up on two offers for pain meds! However, I was still only at 3cm. By 5pm I was literally in tears, so Nurse Ratchett broke down and had the epidural administered.......smooth sailing after this..........or so I thought. Although the pain was now gone and we were now fully doctor was still a no show. He was attending another birth in Odessa which is a good 20 minutes away. Therefore, the two active nurses were having me push until he got there........finally after I was sure my head would explode from pushing and my arms and legs would inevitably break off, he came running in!! 10 seconds later Annabell was here, all 7 pounds, 9 ounces and 19 3/4inches of her little cute self and me.....holding her looking washed up, red and sweaty and just to add insult to injury....I was also vomiting profusely. Any post labor pictures of me were burned.

The next few days were quite a blurr with learning the skillful art of breast feeding and dealing with out of control hormones...not to mention the enormous bowling balls that have replaced my once B cup...but we are currently at home (adjusting) and finding the inner mommy in me!! (Yes I am motherly for those of you who doubted...myself included).

Annabell and Zac napping together.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Ready or Not!!

Last Wednesday, Zac and I had our very last check up with our OBGYN. He informed us that I am 1cm dilated and my cervix is thinning (in everyday conversation, this means we have the go ahead for inducing). We, of course, had hoped this would be the case, however, something about being smacked with an 18-wheeler of reality set in when he said, "should I admit you on Saturday so you can have her by Sunday morning?"..................I'm sure Zac and I both had that deer in the headlights look! Saturday didn't seem like nearly enough time for me to cram in all of the further "mothering" knowledge I would need to raise a child. So we settled for Monday. Yes, this MONDAY (November 23, 2009). At the time, it seemed like that would be ample to calm my nerves and get all of those last minutes accomplished. And yes everything has been bought, purchased, washed, rewashed with Dreft, sterilized, organized, built and/or put together...........but I'm still not sure we are as prepared as we need to be. And the nerves have most definitely not subsided!! Each morning I have thought I would sleep in as this may be one of my last chances, but inevitably, my mind takes over and I find myself wide awake at 3am, 5am and then up by 6:30! I am, to say the least, a ball of anxiety. Now don't get me wrong, we are most definitely looking forward to meeting our sweet little girl.....I'm just not sure that I should be allowed to "grow her." Do I know everything that I need to know? I have even spoken to Zac about having Annabell's grandmothers move in. He assures me that if I need them for the first little bit, it would be fine, but he is quite certain that they won't want to live in our office/guest bedroom for 18 years. But ready or not here it comes! So keep us in your thoughts and prayers tomorrow morning at 8am when we check into the hospital............and at 8:05am when I begin asking for an epidural!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Oh Labor, Where Art Though?

This is just a little taste of what our living room has become.......its a baby-toy construction zone!! Zac has managed to put a stroller, swing, bouncy chair and pack-in-play together. The only problem is, Annabell's room is too full for everything, so now it has trickled into the other rooms. We just may need a bigger house by the time she is actually here.

And speaking of actually being here..............drum roll.................I'm still pregnant. She seems to really enjoy being in utero!! Everyone got prematurely excited when on Sunday I vacuumed, dusted, did ALL laundry, gave myself a mani and pedi and then proceeded to cook dinner and do dishes. This is so called "nesting." However, no one imparted that information to the baby, so she remained in her cozy little cocoon.

Today the mommy-mobile had a mind of its own and began unrolling the windows. Despite my attempts to roll them back up and impose the child locks, they continued to roll back down. So I made a quick trip to Big Spring to have them replace the motor which apparently had a short in it. Yeah wait until the coldest morning we have had and then make me drive 30 miles with the windows down!!! With all of this chaos going on, I was sure she would make an appearance........but no such luck. However, I would like to thank everyone who has suggested "things to do" to jump start labor. I have now:

1. eaten spicy food

2. cleaned house

3. walked til my legs want to fall off

4. done squats and lunges

5. had sex (not simultaneously, of course)

6. eaten pineapple

7. massaged my feet (with Zac's help)
and even thought about drinking Castro oil.....but couldn't go through with it. Kudos to those of you that could!!!

Despite how simple this little bouncy chair appears, it was actually the most difficult to put together!!

The Sweet Peace baby swing is now complete. I just hope mommy is smart enough to figure out all of the gadgets!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

365 Days of Marriage

Last week Zac and I celebrated our one year anniversary!! Its crazy to think that this time last year I was worried about little things like updating our wedding website and which jewelry I should wear with my dress. This year we are reading "What to Expect" and Zac has turned our living room into a mini Santa's workshop (as this is where all baby contraptions are put together). Little Annabell was an unexpected gift, but we are looking forward to her all the same. Now if only she would get here already!! It has definitely been a world-wind of a year...but I wouldn't change it for a thing!!

Arriving in Jamaica after waking up at 4am to catch our flight. Sporting my "Bride" shirt and his "Groom Cap"

The day of the wedding....."Soon to be Mrs. Marshall" hoodie!

A small ceremony on the beach of Negril, Jamaica right at sunset

Right before the sun went down

Ring shot

This picture went on our announcements.....It was my favorite!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

How are you feeling?

Now that I'm nearly 37 weeks pregnant, this is the question I get asked most of all. Back at 34 weeks, I would say something nice like, "Oh I'm feeling good, just a little tired", or "I'm a little anxious".......But not so much anymore! Now I respond with, "I feel fat, thanks for asking", or "The thought of labor scares the hell out of me, not to mention the fact that I will be in charge of a living being in just a matter of weeks." I'm thinking it could be the fact that I cannot get in or out of a car without groaning like an 80 year old, or the fact that there is not one cute thing in my closet for me to wear that is making me cranky. All of this wrapped up in a nice little package consumes my thoughts, so please don't be offended if the response to the above question is not always sugar coated.

And speaking of sugar coated.....I did very well over the past two weeks and only gained half a pound at the doctor today. This is a feat in itself considering that Halloween was but a few days ago.........I am a big fan of chocolate and candy corns, which can wreak havoc on the weight issue. The size from our last sonogram looked good and all tests as far as anemia and strep B came back negative. We are now visiting the doctor once a week and have been warned that Annabell could grace us with her presence at any time. Exciting and nerve-wracking all in one!!

Last week both my family, Zac's family and Zac were all going to be out of town. So they enlisted a "labor sitter" to look after me. My friend Kristin, who I have know since high school came to my aid. Zac was a bit nervous since he has heard the stories from our college years and affectionately refers to her as the "fornicator". However, he soon realized that there is very little trouble that a 9 month pregnant woman can get into. After all, I am usually in bed by 10pm and practically asleep before I have a chance to turn off the light! Our "night life" consisted of deciding which restaurants we would go for dinner and what reality TV we would be watching afterward. A few days of R and R for Kristin, as she lives in Austin and has her pick of cool places to frequent. All in all we had a great visit and she didn't even have to make a hospital trip!

Zac returned home just in time for his birthday and to help pass out candy at the gym with me on Halloween. He dressed as Edward Cullen (teeth and all). All of the front desk girls think he looks just like him, so it wasn't hard to pull off. And I went as his pregnant companion giving my Catholic School Girl uniform the year off. As we were purchasing his teeth at Walgreens, the lady at the register said that she had checked me out 9 months ago when I bought the pregnancy test.......she followed by saying, "I guess it turned out positive".............hmmmm what gave it away, the enormous bump I'm lugging around or perhaps the 35 (and a half) pounds I have packed on????

Edward Cullen.....with flowing hair!

Halloween '09

...Not my normal slutty costume, but appropriate for an expectant mommy-to-be!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

I Know, I Know...Finally!!

This afternoon was a very slow day in the health club market, so I took off a little early and decided to finish Annabell's nursery. I realize (as does everyone else who is constantly reminding me) that the baby is right around the corner and I need to get things together in her room. Thanks for all of the reminders, as my ever-growing belly isn't enough to give it away. Back to the task at hand, I have always had an idea of what I wanted it to look like (nothing too cheesy, vintage pieces, girly but not to excess) however, it just took me longer than most mommies-to-be to pull it all together. I have other expecting friends who had finished their nurseries long before I have and I must say, "Hats off to you guys"........but I was just not one of them. I even had one friend ask if I had started painting, before we even knew the sex!!! Do I look like a sea foam green kind of person? No offence to those that went that route, but that's not how I roll. I am happy to report, however, that I not only finished the nursery but took pictures. It is filled with new and old pieces, sweet little girl pieces and punk pieces, safari animals and mystical creatures all which captured my heart upon seeing them.

The harlequin diamond wall took Zac and me 15 hours to complete. It was a total pain in my @ss, but it turned out very cute.

Zac found this stuffed skull head at Nordstroms and we just had to have it! I like to think her bedding is some what Rocker-Chic!

Morgan the Unicorn was purchased by my mother at Neiman Marcos in 1980. He hung in my room for as long as I can remember and now I can share him with my daughter.

This ginormous painting of dalmatians, I found in an antique store in Big Spring. Love it!!

After searching high and low, Zac and I finally settled on this oh so comfy chenille glider. I am told we will spend hours in it!!

So there it is! Now Annabell can arrive and have a fabulous space to call her if only Zac and I could figure out how to put together that damn bouncy chair, she would be set!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Too Much of a Good Wonderful!!

This weekend was absolutely fabulous (minus the swollen ankles that I have developed). Saturday afternoon was my baby shower. Some of my dear friends and family put it together, and let me just say, they did a fabulous job!! I got absolutely everything that I needed and then some! (63 Washcloths, 27 Receiving Blankets, 14 regular blankets, 9 baby bath towels....just to name a few of the excess). Tons of friends attended, even several from out of town. Lots of pictures were taken....all knee and above as everyone was instructed to leave my "cankles" out of it, and all sorts of foods, punch and mimosas were consumed. (I stuck to the punch). The once organized nursery has now become a disaster once again, but I am well on my way to getting everything put in its place and promise to post pics of that ASAP.

Yesterday was our last baby class. That's right, we are official baby school graduates. We didn't get to walk the stage or anything, but we did get a nice certificate of completion to go in our baby I am sure Annabell is going to want to know that her parents were well informed before her arrival.

Today marked the last time that I will have to pee in a cup for awhile. Which is good because it was getting really hard to see in that area and was beginning to get messier with each check up (sorry if that was TMI). It was our last official check-up at the doctor. They took blood and did the whole "female exam" thing. Next week they perform the last sonogram to check the baby's weight and then we can discuss inducing up to two weeks prior to the due date. Time really has flown by......and frankly it scares the hell out of me!!! When these little break downs occur, I try to practice deep breathing, which then reminds me of Lamaze, which then reminds me that I didn't pay too much attention to that part of class because in my head I was thinking "epidural" keep me in your prayers!

Opening Gifts

Precious Table Setup

Auntie Danya, Mommy-to-be, and Yaya!!

Such a Darling Cake!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


My grandfather passed away two weeks ago from congestive heart failure. His quality of life had greatly declined in the last month, so we all knew it would not be long. However, I had hoped he would make it to see Annabell, as she is named after my grandmother who died over 30 years ago. But I know they are both up there smiling down on us and will see her from a far better place. But with his passing, came my eagerness to participate in this years American Heart Association Walk-a-thon (8 months pregnant and all!!).

It was held on the coldest morning that we have had in Midland, TX so far!! It was rainy and 44 degrees. But Zac and I got up at the crack of dawn, bundled up and set out for the coarse. I was a little shocked that coffee and donuts were not offered.....but Zac was all to quick to remind me that this was for the "heart" and that perhaps that was not the healthiest of breakfasts. We all started out at the same time, although I fell behind shortly after go........Determined not to be completely mortified I stepped it up a notch and went sailing through several "speed walkers". All the while my very fit and very capable husband sauntered along beside me as if my slower pace (or waddle) didn't bother him at all. Well I don't know if it was the cold or my need to empty the bladder but we completed our 3 miles in the top 30.....maybe 40, but whatever. Woohoo for me!!! We then made an even quicker appearance at Starbucks for a hot chocolate and pumpkin-cheesecake muffin. Overall, I was satisfied with our decision to participate all in memory of Bill Neal Jr.

This Saturday is my baby shower and I am too excited!! We have friends and family coming from everywhere and I have some of the greatest girls giving it for me! Even Zac is looking forward to making an appearance at the end. Whats even better is that all of this company has motivated me to finish the nursery and clean house......ok it didn't exactly motivate me to clean house but it did motivate me to hire someone to clean the house. And might I say that she did an outstanding job!! However, I will post pics of the nursery soon as it is nearly ready for viewing!!

American Heart Association Walk-A-Thon 2009 in Loving Memory of Bill Neal Jr.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

"One Pound Down"

Now I am not usually one to stress about my weight.....ok who am I kidding?? Anybody who knows me is having to pick themselves off the floor right now from laughter. However, when I found out that we were expecting, I indulged. I stopped worrying so much. Then last month really threw me for a loop when I had "blossomed" a little more than expected! (Pic to the right demonstrates this).
So I did an inside happy dance at our doctor's appointment today, when he said that I had not only NOT gained any weight since my last check up, but had even lost a pound!! According to Dr. Raja, everything is right on track and I will now start seeing him every two weeks until my 38th week, where I will see him every 7 days. Then he had a nice little conversation with my husband where "sex after delivery" and "will it go back to the same size" were the!

We are, now, over half way finished with our baby classes. This week we learned proper bathing techniques and the whole diaper-changing lingo. This may seem trivial to some, but Zac and I had never changed a diaper until last night. Granted it was on a doll, but she still maintained all limbs when we completed the task. Thumbs up!! Next week, proper installation of the car seat......Zac can't wait! (Sarcasm).

Sunday, September 27, 2009

She has her Daddy's nose!

Zac and I finally decided to get our 4-D sonogram. We just couldn't resist the idea that we could actually see what Miss Annabell looks like prior to labor and delivery as patience has never been my forte'. Even Zac often mimics me by saying, "I want it and I want it right now!!" while clenching his fists and stomping his foot. He thinks he's funny! But I digress.... Since I'm nearly at 32 weeks (the cut off for these sonograms) we had to act fast and the first place who could see us was in Abilene, TX, a two hour trek from our house. So bright and very early Saturday morning we drove there.

The lady at Stork Vision had advised me to eat something sugary, like a donut and to drink a coke to improve movement of the baby. So to be on the safe-side, I went ahead and ate two donuts, donut holes, and washed it all down with a chocolate milk and soda! Well.....moments after we arrived and signed in, I tossed my cookies....or donuts, if you will! Feeling very clammy but still excited, we laid in the dark room and looked at NOTHING. Only to be told that she was not positioned well and was not moving. I think she was in a sugar-coma. they gave me a bottle of apple juice to drink and had me walk around for 15 minutes......really apple juice??? On top of everything else, you expect me to drink an apple juice??? Fortunately, the juice seemed to do the trick and the next time we went in, she had moved and was being much more cooperative.

Zac and I have very interesting noses. His is Romanesque and somewhat larger than the average nose, where mine turns up a bit, much like a ski slope. So we were eager to see whose prevailed on our dainty little girl.........its his, without a doubt, it is his nose! However, she does have my very full and heart shaped lips, which Zac thought were deformed at first (always a good sign). But the sono tech assured us that everything is A-Ok with her and she even has a little hair! That means I should shop for more bows!!

Overall it was an awesome experience and I highly recommend Stork Vision for any expectant mothers out there! But maybe take it easy on the donuts......

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Health Class Comes in Handy!

Its already Tuesday night and I have not heard anything saying that I failed my 2nd Glucose Test!! Woohoo!!! I don't want to get too over zealous, but I think I am out of the woods.

Zac and I spent the weekend in Dallas for UFC 103. I boosted the economy with my oh so flexed shopping skills and consumed an enormous amount of carbs (just in case I failed the test and had to cut them out for the remainder of the pregnancy). I even enjoyed the fights, although that's really more Zac's thing. We were literally submerged in a Sea of "Tap Out" tees. But I did get to see Jenna Jameson, so that's one of the things I can cross off my "To do before I die" list. Overall the trip was fabulous. We shopped, ate and Zac drank til our little hearts were content. Only minor snag was me ordering Kobe Beef Sashimi at the Geisha House and then having to send it back to have it cooked......sometimes I forget that I'm preggo and not just hauling around some extra junk in my....well everywhere. But I'm pretty sure we made a lasting impression on the chef and the waiter..First time for everything as they would say. And Sashimi tastes just as good cooked medium well as it did in its al fresco state. Sunday, before we came home, we had brunch with Annabell's Fairy God-Person. Over mimosas (and plain orange juice for me), we laughed about the past and discussed how very attractive my husband is!!

Monday we made it through our second baby class. This one went much more smoothly, accept for the pale shade of green that Zac turned while watching the live birth times! I just try to keep in mind what dear Coach Larance told our health class, sophomore year, "Ladies, its just like a rubber band, it goes back". Encouraging words at this stage of the game! Looking back on it all, maybe health class really should be a required course.

UFC 103 (Fight Dress by Kassadie Barela...she is gifted.)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Riding the Short Bus to Baby Class

Monday marked the first official day of our 6 week baby coarse at the hospital. I have been eagerly awaiting this class because I feel as though it will really better me for Mommyhood. Keep in mind that neither Zac nor I have ever made a bottle or changed a diaper, so I was prepared to receive the "most improved" award at the end and maybe not graduate Valedictorian. However, I soon realized that I was not only not a candidate for Head of the Class, but I, apparently, ride the short bus! I was the only one in a classroom full of expecting couples who had not pre-registered at the hospital and who had not gotten a pediatrician. While my head is still reeling from information overload, the teacher then says, "You should do these!" My husband told a fellow friend that knowing me, I would have all of this taken care of by noon on Tuesday.......he was wrong. I actually had it all taken care of by 10am on Tuesday. I woke up extra early to get to labor and delivery by 8am, filled out all pre-registration papers, went to Midland Pediatrics, where I filled out more paper work for Dr. Sager, scheduled a consultation with him and even had time to book our 4-D sonogram. Who rides the short bus now!!!! Now I'm the annoying girl who sits in the front row and raises her hand eagerly to answer every question. (Although I must admit that while I was at the pediatric office filling out paper work, I entered all of MY mother's information in the "Patient's Mother" section.....I quickly crumpled it and ask for another packet......WOW is all I have to say). By mid-afternoon I was feeling like "Expectant Mother of the Year" when Dr. Raja called to inform me that the "Mother of the Year" failed her Glucose Tolerance test. So bright and early Wednesday morning, after fasting for 12 hours, I chugged what seemed like a gallon of pure sugar-ass drink and let the nurse take my blood every hour on the hour for the next 3 hours........I have not received the results from this one just yet, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I passed. Even if its not my usual "A", I'll gladly take a 70 on this one!!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

"You had a BIG Labor Day Weekend didn't you"

Sad to say, these were the words that came out of my OBGYN's mouth yesterday at my 29th week doctor appointment. Apparently and rather astonishingly, I had gained 10 pounds since my last visit 5 weeks ago. This is not a great deal of weight (according to Dr. Raja) however, it was for me since I have been averaging 5 pounds per visit. Hence the phrase, "Well, looks like you had a big Labor Day".......he soon followed by the phrase, "I don't know where you are putting it, you are still so tiny"....but, being female and hormonal, the damage was already done!! The tears were starting to well up and I courageously fought them off....until I got in the car that is. I was informed, very sternly I might add, that I am not to diet. However, I did make better decisions today in my eating habits. I even refused the donuts that were offered at the gym. Which brings me to another point-why are personal trainers bringing donuts to a gym???? Conundrum!

On a lighter note (pun intended), I successfully survived the Glucose Tolerance test that had been weighing heavily (pun intended again) on my mind. Now if I passed, well that is another story entirely. However, I did keep down all fluid and didn't even whine when blood was taken. Although I did tell Zac more than a few times that my arm felt as if it might fall off. But that was more to deter his attention to my arm and not my body, which is apparently 10 pounds heavier. He has yet to mention that he has noticed any weight gain.....very very wise hubby of mine.

Labor Day 2008........One year and Several pounds ago......

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Bump!

Ok so I got the proofs back from our infamous "Baby Bump" shoot! Here are a few that we absolutely loved! We are so thankful to have met Rachel, she is really amazing! And believe me, we look way better in these photos than in person, so hats off to her!! Plus, I'm super lucky that I have such a photogenic husband!

This one we are going to blow up and put in the creative with the Scrabble letters!

This was one of my favorites!

Just some luvin'.....and vintage boots!

Classic Belly Shot

Its Chubby Hubby ice cream......more like "chubby wife" ice cream!!

This just cracks me up!

The sunset shot!

I'm a lucky girl! He is so handsome!

This is not my favorite of me....but its kinda cool because you can see Annabell's head poking out on the left side!!!

Another Classic!!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Before and After

Well...Zac and I have had two very productive weekends. We have (and when I say "we" I mean Zac and my dad) have finished painting the nursery. All that is lacking is the black and white harlequin diamond wall....which I plan to do soon. Plus, Zac has systematically put together all furniture in the baby's room as well as the stroller or "travel system" to be politically correct. I was informed recently, by my much younger preggo friend, that "stroller" is a dated word and "travel system" is the new term.....who would have thought that by the time I would be having a baby, the word "stroller" would be extinct...but I digress.....

We met with our good friend and photographer Rachel Austin last night, to shoot baby bump pictures. She is awesome! I highly recommend checking out her website She not only came up with very cool ideas but promised that she could remove any double chins that I might have from pregnancy bloat. For that reason alone, she is next to God in my book!

I promise to post pictures of both the nursery and the bump once everything is completed. However, I thought I might post some before pics......and when I say before, I literally mean 3 days before we found out that Annabell was coming! Three days before I took 6 at-home pregnancy tests, 3 days before I stopped taking Hydroxycut to alleviate 4 troublesome pounds, and 3 days before Zac and I realized that I was 5 weeks pregnant and there was going to be another Marshall in our house!!

Zac and I in Alexandria, VA, visiting his sister and doing a little shopping!

The Marshall Family having cider at an Irish Pub.....incidentally, the last alcohol I have had.

.........will post "after" pics when nursery is complete and all signs of double chins and cellulite have been removed.......

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Joys of Being Buoyant

I never really appreciated swimming until I got "knocked up"! Suddenly floating in water where you weigh ZERO pounds is an incredible feeling. Those 20 pounds that have found your mid section and reaping havoc on your back....just seem to disappear. I am lucky that I work at a
health club where I have access to an indoor pool at all times (and I'm even luckier that because I work there I can be unattended by a lifeguard, as to not scare him with my new shape). And although I get the "oh you are such a darling little pregnant girl" comments, which I greatly appreciate, I can't help but look longingly at the size 2 True Religion jeans in the back of my closet. I know it will all be worth it in the end, but every once in awhile panic creeps over me. The picture to the right is one from our honeymoon. I had been working out like a mad woman for months and eating as little as possible in preparation for the "big day".....oh how the tables have turned. Don't get me wrong, I still wear this bathing suit........and I look almost exactly the same, if you picture it with the gut of a 55 year old man who has done nothing but consume forties of Keystone for the last 10 years. Still when we go to the doctor and hear her little heart beating at 144/min, its worth that second banana nut muffin and the pruning fingers of a prolonged pool workout.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Virgin Blogger

Well, I am certainly not a virgin to most things......however, blogging is one of those! But I have found myself fascinated by all of the blogs I read from my old high school friends, and I must admit that the idea has intrigued me for quite sometime. So with a little push from my husband to use my creativity for something other than shopping and reality tv, I have thrown caution to the wind and am now a "blogger"!!

My husband and I were married last November.......our 1st anniversary will also mark the arrival of our first child. Not necessarily a planned present, but a wonderful surprise nonetheless! That's right for those of you mathematically challenged, I am 25 weeks (6months) pregnant. Being pregnant is quite scary and amazing all in the same 9 months. Zac and I used to enjoy frequenting wine bars and trying out new tequilas all the while being out til the wee morning hours. Now we find ourselves content to lay in bed at 9:30pm with the iphone playing music on my ever-growing tummy, watching the fetal activity; and saying things like "oh wow" and "omg did you see that one" So to say we are very easily amused would be putting it mildly!

We have conquered the land of Babys-R-Us and are even gearing up to do our baby shower registry. One might think this is as simple as doing your bridal registry.....but not so much! Who cares if you didn't get the matching casserole dish to go with the fiesta vegetable bowl? However, baby items are far more like "survival" items. How will Annabell Grey Marshall survive without a boppy??? And, Do I have enough blankets to keep a late autumn baby warm?? Which is why I tend to do a lot of shopping on my own......what if that $35 sweater from Baby Gap IS just the thing she needs......however, try explaining this to my husband. Nonetheless, I think we are going to be excellent parents, who grow beautiful people with great personalities and the gift of sarcasm.

So there ya go! I guess we can officially say that I have been de-virginized! More blogs to come.