Thursday, September 17, 2009

Riding the Short Bus to Baby Class

Monday marked the first official day of our 6 week baby coarse at the hospital. I have been eagerly awaiting this class because I feel as though it will really better me for Mommyhood. Keep in mind that neither Zac nor I have ever made a bottle or changed a diaper, so I was prepared to receive the "most improved" award at the end and maybe not graduate Valedictorian. However, I soon realized that I was not only not a candidate for Head of the Class, but I, apparently, ride the short bus! I was the only one in a classroom full of expecting couples who had not pre-registered at the hospital and who had not gotten a pediatrician. While my head is still reeling from information overload, the teacher then says, "You should do these!" My husband told a fellow friend that knowing me, I would have all of this taken care of by noon on Tuesday.......he was wrong. I actually had it all taken care of by 10am on Tuesday. I woke up extra early to get to labor and delivery by 8am, filled out all pre-registration papers, went to Midland Pediatrics, where I filled out more paper work for Dr. Sager, scheduled a consultation with him and even had time to book our 4-D sonogram. Who rides the short bus now!!!! Now I'm the annoying girl who sits in the front row and raises her hand eagerly to answer every question. (Although I must admit that while I was at the pediatric office filling out paper work, I entered all of MY mother's information in the "Patient's Mother" section.....I quickly crumpled it and ask for another packet......WOW is all I have to say). By mid-afternoon I was feeling like "Expectant Mother of the Year" when Dr. Raja called to inform me that the "Mother of the Year" failed her Glucose Tolerance test. So bright and early Wednesday morning, after fasting for 12 hours, I chugged what seemed like a gallon of pure sugar-ass drink and let the nurse take my blood every hour on the hour for the next 3 hours........I have not received the results from this one just yet, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I passed. Even if its not my usual "A", I'll gladly take a 70 on this one!!!


  1. The same things happened to me. I was totally shocked that I hadn't done things and felt like a slacker! I felt so much better after I got them done. I also failed the first glucose test and had to take the nasty 3 hour one. It was HORRIBLE! A lot of people fail the first one and have to take the second one but then pass. Luckily I passed it too but it didn't make it any better!

  2. You know don't feel bad. I didn't get a peditrician until he was born. One of them came to visit him in the hospital and to schedule an appt. for his checkup. And I don't think I preregistered for the hospital either. They told me to be at the hospital early to do it (I had a schedule CSection so I was in no hurry or rush). I only took 1 "baby" class only because I wanted to take a tour of the hospital. Plus, it was my 3 baby so I knew everything that was to be expected. Good luck with the glucose test!

  3. Oh honey, no worries! At least ya'll are taking the class, Ross & I started watching the birthing video the night my water broke and we only got through the 3 signs of labor! :) As for the glucose, I failed both... it's not that big of a deal, you just have to slightly change your diet. Good luck with everything! It will all fall into place, trust me!
