Wednesday, September 9, 2009

"You had a BIG Labor Day Weekend didn't you"

Sad to say, these were the words that came out of my OBGYN's mouth yesterday at my 29th week doctor appointment. Apparently and rather astonishingly, I had gained 10 pounds since my last visit 5 weeks ago. This is not a great deal of weight (according to Dr. Raja) however, it was for me since I have been averaging 5 pounds per visit. Hence the phrase, "Well, looks like you had a big Labor Day".......he soon followed by the phrase, "I don't know where you are putting it, you are still so tiny"....but, being female and hormonal, the damage was already done!! The tears were starting to well up and I courageously fought them off....until I got in the car that is. I was informed, very sternly I might add, that I am not to diet. However, I did make better decisions today in my eating habits. I even refused the donuts that were offered at the gym. Which brings me to another point-why are personal trainers bringing donuts to a gym???? Conundrum!

On a lighter note (pun intended), I successfully survived the Glucose Tolerance test that had been weighing heavily (pun intended again) on my mind. Now if I passed, well that is another story entirely. However, I did keep down all fluid and didn't even whine when blood was taken. Although I did tell Zac more than a few times that my arm felt as if it might fall off. But that was more to deter his attention to my arm and not my body, which is apparently 10 pounds heavier. He has yet to mention that he has noticed any weight gain.....very very wise hubby of mine.

Labor Day 2008........One year and Several pounds ago......

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