Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Health Class Comes in Handy!

Its already Tuesday night and I have not heard anything saying that I failed my 2nd Glucose Test!! Woohoo!!! I don't want to get too over zealous, but I think I am out of the woods.

Zac and I spent the weekend in Dallas for UFC 103. I boosted the economy with my oh so flexed shopping skills and consumed an enormous amount of carbs (just in case I failed the test and had to cut them out for the remainder of the pregnancy). I even enjoyed the fights, although that's really more Zac's thing. We were literally submerged in a Sea of "Tap Out" tees. But I did get to see Jenna Jameson, so that's one of the things I can cross off my "To do before I die" list. Overall the trip was fabulous. We shopped, ate and Zac drank til our little hearts were content. Only minor snag was me ordering Kobe Beef Sashimi at the Geisha House and then having to send it back to have it cooked......sometimes I forget that I'm preggo and not just hauling around some extra junk in my....well everywhere. But I'm pretty sure we made a lasting impression on the chef and the waiter..First time for everything as they would say. And Sashimi tastes just as good cooked medium well as it did in its al fresco state. Sunday, before we came home, we had brunch with Annabell's Fairy God-Person. Over mimosas (and plain orange juice for me), we laughed about the past and discussed how very attractive my husband is!!

Monday we made it through our second baby class. This one went much more smoothly, accept for the pale shade of green that Zac turned while watching the live birth video........fun times! I just try to keep in mind what dear Coach Larance told our health class, sophomore year, "Ladies, its just like a rubber band, it goes back". Encouraging words at this stage of the game! Looking back on it all, maybe health class really should be a required course.

UFC 103 (Fight Dress by Kassadie Barela...she is gifted.)

1 comment:

  1. yay! thanks for the kudos to health class :) it is a very important class. of course, this is coming from a health major :) congrats on the beautiful baby!
