Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Too Much of a Good Thing...is Wonderful!!

This weekend was absolutely fabulous (minus the swollen ankles that I have developed). Saturday afternoon was my baby shower. Some of my dear friends and family put it together, and let me just say, they did a fabulous job!! I got absolutely everything that I needed and then some! (63 Washcloths, 27 Receiving Blankets, 14 regular blankets, 9 baby bath towels....just to name a few of the excess). Tons of friends attended, even several from out of town. Lots of pictures were taken....all knee and above as everyone was instructed to leave my "cankles" out of it, and all sorts of foods, punch and mimosas were consumed. (I stuck to the punch). The once organized nursery has now become a disaster once again, but I am well on my way to getting everything put in its place and promise to post pics of that ASAP.

Yesterday was our last baby class. That's right, we are official baby school graduates. We didn't get to walk the stage or anything, but we did get a nice certificate of completion to go in our baby book....as I am sure Annabell is going to want to know that her parents were well informed before her arrival.

Today marked the last time that I will have to pee in a cup for awhile. Which is good because it was getting really hard to see in that area and was beginning to get messier with each check up (sorry if that was TMI). It was our last official check-up at the doctor. They took blood and did the whole "female exam" thing. Next week they perform the last sonogram to check the baby's weight and then we can discuss inducing up to two weeks prior to the due date. Time really has flown by......and frankly it scares the hell out of me!!! When these little break downs occur, I try to practice deep breathing, which then reminds me of Lamaze, which then reminds me that I didn't pay too much attention to that part of class because in my head I was thinking "epidural".......so keep me in your prayers!

Opening Gifts

Precious Table Setup

Auntie Danya, Mommy-to-be, and Yaya!!

Such a Darling Cake!

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