Saturday, August 8, 2009

Virgin Blogger

Well, I am certainly not a virgin to most things......however, blogging is one of those! But I have found myself fascinated by all of the blogs I read from my old high school friends, and I must admit that the idea has intrigued me for quite sometime. So with a little push from my husband to use my creativity for something other than shopping and reality tv, I have thrown caution to the wind and am now a "blogger"!!

My husband and I were married last November.......our 1st anniversary will also mark the arrival of our first child. Not necessarily a planned present, but a wonderful surprise nonetheless! That's right for those of you mathematically challenged, I am 25 weeks (6months) pregnant. Being pregnant is quite scary and amazing all in the same 9 months. Zac and I used to enjoy frequenting wine bars and trying out new tequilas all the while being out til the wee morning hours. Now we find ourselves content to lay in bed at 9:30pm with the iphone playing music on my ever-growing tummy, watching the fetal activity; and saying things like "oh wow" and "omg did you see that one" So to say we are very easily amused would be putting it mildly!

We have conquered the land of Babys-R-Us and are even gearing up to do our baby shower registry. One might think this is as simple as doing your bridal registry.....but not so much! Who cares if you didn't get the matching casserole dish to go with the fiesta vegetable bowl? However, baby items are far more like "survival" items. How will Annabell Grey Marshall survive without a boppy??? And, Do I have enough blankets to keep a late autumn baby warm?? Which is why I tend to do a lot of shopping on my own......what if that $35 sweater from Baby Gap IS just the thing she needs......however, try explaining this to my husband. Nonetheless, I think we are going to be excellent parents, who grow beautiful people with great personalities and the gift of sarcasm.

So there ya go! I guess we can officially say that I have been de-virginized! More blogs to come.

1 comment:

  1. You are just too cute as a little mama! I wish I'd looked like that pregnant! Hope things are great and that you are feeling good.
