Monday, December 7, 2009

Santa Baby!!

Saturday we had some family photos taken with Miss Annabell and a few of just her! Once again, Rachel Austin amazed us with her photography talents!! She almost erased any signs of sleep deprivation on the face of my husband and myself, which is a feat in itself, as we have permanent dark circles at this point. Not to mention the fact that I consistently look like I could use a shower and smell like Similac most of the time!

Saturday was also the celebration of my mom's 59th Birthday. We ventured to Shogun's where Annabell slept through fire, clanking of knives and even singing. She has been an excellent baby for the most part. But believe me, she can use those lungs when she wants!! I am slowly learning that I do not have to be at her beck and call each time I hear a peep out of her. But as any new mom will probably tell you, its hard at first to hear them cry. I will be ever so greatful when she reaches an age where she can tell me what she needs.....until then, we are figuring it out!

Marshall Party of 3

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