Monday, November 30, 2009

Body Glitter Seemed Like a Good Idea

Annabell is here!! Yes after 15 hours of labor, she decided to make her entrance!! She is currently ruling her Kingdom at the Marshall home.

Monday morning, after a surprisingly good night of sleep, I awoke chipper, showered, packed and even applied make-up and some body glitter (borrowed from my dear friend Jamie over a year ago and not given back because it does give you just the right amount of shimmer) for post delivery pics. I was determined to not look like those mothers who are washed up, red and sweaty after delivery. (Now those of you that have had children are laughing at this and those of you that haven't....well let me fill you in...You will look washed up, red and sweaty-just face it). I then made my way to the donut shop for breakfast with my much more nervous husband. After a quick bite to eat, we headed to the hospital where I immediately informed the nurse that I would need an epidural just as soon as it was possible. She immediately let me know that I had to dilate first and then endure a few contractions before they would administer this........however, they would let me have pain medication. This was at 8am. At 3pm I was having contractions, no epidural and had taken the nurse up on two offers for pain meds! However, I was still only at 3cm. By 5pm I was literally in tears, so Nurse Ratchett broke down and had the epidural administered.......smooth sailing after this..........or so I thought. Although the pain was now gone and we were now fully doctor was still a no show. He was attending another birth in Odessa which is a good 20 minutes away. Therefore, the two active nurses were having me push until he got there........finally after I was sure my head would explode from pushing and my arms and legs would inevitably break off, he came running in!! 10 seconds later Annabell was here, all 7 pounds, 9 ounces and 19 3/4inches of her little cute self and me.....holding her looking washed up, red and sweaty and just to add insult to injury....I was also vomiting profusely. Any post labor pictures of me were burned.

The next few days were quite a blurr with learning the skillful art of breast feeding and dealing with out of control hormones...not to mention the enormous bowling balls that have replaced my once B cup...but we are currently at home (adjusting) and finding the inner mommy in me!! (Yes I am motherly for those of you who doubted...myself included).

Annabell and Zac napping together.


  1. She is beautiful!!! The first couple of weeks are not so glamorous at all. It's hard to adjust with everything from taking a shower, sleeping (the baby and yourself), to feeding.

  2. OMG....I cracked up the whole time reading this...I love it!!! She is a lil doll....can't wait to see her in person...


  3. Congrats Casey...oo how these days just seemed like yesterday! What a beautiful little girl! I freaked out the day my bowling balls rolled in!! Hahaha...
