Monday, November 16, 2009

Oh Labor, Where Art Though?

This is just a little taste of what our living room has become.......its a baby-toy construction zone!! Zac has managed to put a stroller, swing, bouncy chair and pack-in-play together. The only problem is, Annabell's room is too full for everything, so now it has trickled into the other rooms. We just may need a bigger house by the time she is actually here.

And speaking of actually being here..............drum roll.................I'm still pregnant. She seems to really enjoy being in utero!! Everyone got prematurely excited when on Sunday I vacuumed, dusted, did ALL laundry, gave myself a mani and pedi and then proceeded to cook dinner and do dishes. This is so called "nesting." However, no one imparted that information to the baby, so she remained in her cozy little cocoon.

Today the mommy-mobile had a mind of its own and began unrolling the windows. Despite my attempts to roll them back up and impose the child locks, they continued to roll back down. So I made a quick trip to Big Spring to have them replace the motor which apparently had a short in it. Yeah wait until the coldest morning we have had and then make me drive 30 miles with the windows down!!! With all of this chaos going on, I was sure she would make an appearance........but no such luck. However, I would like to thank everyone who has suggested "things to do" to jump start labor. I have now:

1. eaten spicy food

2. cleaned house

3. walked til my legs want to fall off

4. done squats and lunges

5. had sex (not simultaneously, of course)

6. eaten pineapple

7. massaged my feet (with Zac's help)
and even thought about drinking Castro oil.....but couldn't go through with it. Kudos to those of you that could!!!

Despite how simple this little bouncy chair appears, it was actually the most difficult to put together!!

The Sweet Peace baby swing is now complete. I just hope mommy is smart enough to figure out all of the gadgets!!

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