Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sometimes One Must Make Their Own Fun

With all of the hooplah of trend-setters these days, I feel it's important to instill in Annabell the desire to make her own statement and to follow only those that she feels are worthy. So that being said, here is a list of things Nan and I are currently into:

1. Crazy Hair - My child has always had a head full of hair, usually on the disobedient side. Instead of fighting to control each strand, we now let it fall where it may, so to speak. It is coming in as blonde as mine, although her tips are still very dark. A lady in Walmart actually ask if it was natural, to which I wanted to reply, "No mam, I'm the white trash that would dye my 10 month old's hair....rrrrrreally?" But instead, I politely smiled and said, "Yes, the new growth is just exceptionally light."

2. Slip Skirts - This is a fun, romantic way to sport something a little different. Paired with a rocker tee or tank top makes a fabulous bohemian statement.....much to the chagrin of the elderly ladies at Dillard's; but the Sprint Store Man gave it two very enthusiastic thumbs up!

3. Fairy Tales - I had decided to decorate Annabell's new room in a whimsical Fairy Tale them. I even started a collection of Gustafson prints all fairy tale related. However, her room soon ran out of, so now the entire house is filled with Alice and other versions of the stories we love! You're just never too old for the classics.

4. "Uh-Oh" - The Nannerbell picked this up recently because as all parents do, I would say this when she "dropped" objects and looked helplessly at me. Now we, and I do mean WE, say it constantly. AB will say it 400 times before breakfast, but I find myself saying it even when she is not around.

5. Cats - Those that know me, know I have never been a "cat person"....I will most definitely never be the "Crazy Cat Lady" down the street (just the Crazy Lady). My hate for the feline creature increased further when I was forced to own two of them when I married (of course, part of this stemmed from the thought that my husband loved them more than me....I still think I might be on to something here).....but I digress.....We have recently adopted, or should I say she adopted us, Grisabella, a beautiful grey tabby certainly worthy of her name. I'll admit that I can not wait to open the front door every morning and watch she and Annabell play through the glass. But I have yet to let them play in person for fear AB will pull a "Lenny" from Of Mice and Men and pet the kitty too hard.

6. A Bit of Goth - I have always been a fan of black fingernails and toes, even painting Annabell's father's this color when he would allow it. But this has somewhat trickled into my decorating as well. I ordered a 2 foot tall skeleton couple dressed in cocktail attire from Grindonhouse, originally for Halloween. However, now I'm considering leaving them out all year as they are really too precious to be packed away. Plus they go perfectly with the Gothic black candlestick and chandelier I recently purchased.

7. Buddy Bands - (Seester laughing in the background) But seriously, these are a quite clever idea. What says "I love our friendship" more than passing along a piece of rubber shaped like a cherished object such as a football, animal, insect, etc.? Or what says, "I'm not that fond of you" like denying someone a buddy band or passing along one that you feel meh about? (Side note - "Meh" is a new word that has made it into the dictionary, meaning you could take it or leave it; having little to no feeling either way. I challenge you to use it in a sentence today). My sister is the only one I have actually exchanged bands with, after forcing her to purchase some so we could share....and after her mocking, you better believe she has received the meh ones!

8. Black Berry - I'll be the first to admit I am truly technologically challenged, so the thought of having to use this contraption, quite frankly, scared the hell out of me. However, having my 10 month old love my old phone in a manner that included tossing it to down right spiking it on the ground multiple times, meant an upgrade for myself was inevitable. I am happy to report that I am getting the hang of it! I'm sure I don't even come close to utilizing all of its potential, but that's why I have the Sprint Man on speed dial.....oh who are we kidding, I haven't mastered speed dial yet either.

9. McClaren Stroller - Or "Buggy" as the British maker informed me. I was a bit shocked that an umbrella stroller could cost over $200 when I only paid $19 for a perfectly good one at Toys R Us. But upon pushing this thing, it is well worth every penny! It is taller which eliminates stooping and reclines for AB's comfort. Plus it's purple......and YES that is important!

10. Affection - I have always been one to force my affection on people, family, spouses (usually only my own), children, animals, etc. So it is quite comical to see my daughter following in those footsteps. She loves to hug, even stopping from whatever toy or book has her attention to crawl over and wrap herself around you. She has now started kissing, which means mouth wide open and enveloping your nose, lips, eye, cheek, elbow, leg, get the point; and even attempts to cuddle Baby Ayo (who no doubt is screaming on the inside at the sight of her crawling towards him). And, of course, when I say cuddle, I'm using the term very very loosely.

She is so much like her mommy both on the inside and out which I see as a good thing.....some may disagree. But with her dark tips, painted toe nails, boho chic ensemble and rolling in her purple buggy, she is truly an individual and I hope always remains that way!

Just waiting to pounce on someone she loves!

Cuddling Baby Ayo

Purple Perfection

Slip Skirt and our Crazy Hair

Friday, August 13, 2010

She Laughs in Her Sleep

I just have to share this darling little story about Annabell or Nannerbell as my sister has named her...which has then been shortened to Nan...and much to my dismay, has stuck!)

That being said, there have been several times that I have seen her sound to sleep and grinning. I wonder every time what she could be dreaming: Is she drinking the world's largest bottle? Is she pulling on Sassy's slobbery cheeks? Is she resting her head on Aunt Kissy's extremely large juggs? Just what is going on in that sleepy head of hers?

The other night, however, she went above and beyond a smile. She actually laughed out loud with a squeal at the end! I immediately muffled my own laughter, for she really is so much like me. About three years ago, I began to laugh so loudly in my sleep that I would wake up. At the time, I was dating Annabell's dad and I was quite certain that he hung the moon and stars and was the best thing since the invention of sweet potato fries. And he and I were spending lots of time with the Queavers. Big Q was absolutely the funniest, smart-assiest man ever created. He had a way of putting you down and down and down that just never got old! Not to mention that he periodically broke out in a rendition of Elton John..."B-B-B-Benny and the Jets." So needless to say, there was much to make me happy and to laugh about.....and I did, even in my sleep.

You can only imagine how warm it made my heart to know that Nan is in such a happy place in her life that she laughs so frequently....even in her dreams. So I must be doing something right!!

Little Senorita!

Aunt Kissy.....and Nannerbell staring at flotation devices!

*Rhiannon, my high school BFF, I must apologize for calling you "Nanner" and "Nan" back in the day. Karma has obviously come around and bitten me in the a$$ for this. Or perhaps the apology should really be directed to your mother? So, Terry, I am sorry I shortened your daughter's name against your will. But in my defense, I think it was Lauren Elmore who started this......I blame Lauren!

**A half apology to Queaver...Sorry about describing you with "assiest"....but really, is there a better word? However, I am NOT sorry for inventing your nickname! (insert evil witch laugh here)

***Oh and Lauren, sorry about throwing you under the bus up there :)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Fat Babies (And I'm Not Talking About the Boots circa 2004)

I haven't blogged in awhile, because.....well because I really haven't had too much to blog about.....until last week.

My mother has a bullmastiff (this is a huge-@ss dog that slobbers and has a face that appears to have been hit by a mack truck). Nonetheless, he is nationally ranked and has quite a few of the "ladies" wanting to breed to him. So my mother is sort of his pimp, if you will. Recently, she was contacted by a breeder in Australia who wants to "use" Elliot....long story short the only vet in Texas that is certified to send Elliot's little swimmers to Australia is in the Metroplex. So the four of us (mom aka Pimp, Annabell, Elliot and myself) get up bright and early to drive to Carollton, take Elliot to the vet and then do a little shopping. Now when mom and I shop, we don't hit the mall, we are more antique shoppers; so we were thrilled to find out that Carollton has a downtown area full of vintage boutiques and antique stores. Check it out if you are ever in the area. Annabell, being the little trooper she is, gets buckled into her umbrella stroller and away we go. She smiles and coos at the fellow shoppers, genuinely charming her way into the hearts of particular shop owner especially.
Now, picture a plump lady with tight red curls, invoking the "Red Queen" for those of you who have seen Alice in Wonderland. She smiles and greets us from behind the counter and then locks on to Annabell:

Red Queen/Shop Owner: "Oh! I just LOVE a fat baby!"

Me: (Ok, did she really just say fat? Did I understand her correctly with her Southern accent??)
Red Queen/Shop Owner: "Don't you just LOVE a fat baby! I just LOVE a fat baby!"
Me: (Ok, YES, she is referring to my child and using the word fat.....why doesn't she just pick up an antique knife and stab me in the heart!)

Red Queen/Shop Owner: "Yes I doooooo so LOVE a fat baby!"

We exited the store shortly after, just before the lady could snatch up AB and stick her in an oven to be devoured later, followed by mom saying, "I hope that B*tch didn't think we were buying anything after she called our baby fat!"

Well said mother, well said.

Pleasantly Plump?.....yes Fat?.......NO!!

This is Sassy the Bullmastiff (Elliot is a little too boisterous to play with Annabell)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Catch Phrases and Such

I heard the phrase "Hot Mess" the other day on Tori & Dean. (Yes, I watch Tori & Dean, but I do some cool stuff too, so who are you to judge.) Anyway, it cracks me up on a number of levels, but mostly because it is an accurate description of myself...and my life. I can be all over the place in my never-ending search for organization but still try to throw on something that draws attention and semi-coordinate Annabell's outfit to mine all the while accessorizing both. Then comes the decision for shoes. Is this a heel day, as most days are, because lets face it, nothing makes for a more shapely leg than a stiletto! Or can I wear flats and risk the "stubby leg" look? Or do I completely disregard the legs and opt for my Minnetonkas or cowboy boots?

Speaking of cowboy boots, the other morning while watching Dora the Explorer, I was absolutely blown away by a "western" episode. Dora and her crew were going through Rattlesnake Valley. In an effort to teach non-Spanish speaking children the word "Para" (to stop or to halt), every time they run across a rattle snake they shouted it. Cut to-Snake slithering up, group of kids led by this so-called explorer shouting "Para," snake stops and Dora and Co. are free to move on. Really Maker-of-Dora? Really? Is this a wise idea to teach children how to deal with a snake, and a rattlesnake moreover?!?! How about, Don't touch it! Go get an adult who can retrieve a snake-killing object like a hoe, shovel or ax to hack its head off, or better yet, a rifle. Is that material not "Dora-friendly?" Of course not. That's crazy talk, when you can just verbalize the word "Para" and this little reptile will obediently stop.

We have now opted for the less educational cartoons, which usually results in a Disney movie such as Lady and the Tramp or Beauty and the Beast. Hey, if a snake can comprehend Spanish, then a beautiful young girl can fall in love with an overly hairy animal while seeking advice from a talking teapot....I'm just saying. (another one of the catch phrases that I'm fond of). And much to the credit of the original topic, with the subject matter of this blog being all over the place, just proves my "Hot Mess" point

*If only that orca in captivity had been taught the word "stop" in multiple languages...perhaps a tragedy would've been avoided......rrrrrrright.......

This is what I like to refer to as a "Cute Mess"

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Lita Ford to Luckenbach

As I'm writing this, I'm watching my daughter frantically kick her feet and wave her arms to Lita Ford's "Kiss Me Deadly." Its quite possibly the funniest thing I have witnessed since my best friend puked in our hotel room bath tub (Yes!! the bathtub, but that's another blog entirely).

Annabell is 5 months old! Its such a cliche but the time really does fly by. Seems like only yesterday she couldn't even hold her head up. Now she rolls over, sits up and eats stage 1 baby foods, green beans being her fav.
On April 11th we had her Christened at St. Mary's Episcopal Church. She looked absolutely precious in her white gown with pink embroidery (naturally it had to have pink as she is my daughter!). My sister is her co God-Mother as well as, Zac's sister, who was unable to attend. My dear friend Kevin was her God-Father....or "Fairy" God-Father as I affectionately refer to him. He looked very dapper in his suit and bow tie, but was completely envious of my Edie Sedgewick inspired dress and "Alice and Wonderland" jewelry! Only drawback was that I'm not sure the length was exactly "church" appropriate" so I opted to not take communion as it requires kneeling on a bench at the front of the sanctuary.
Speaking of Edie Sedgewick, I've become quite intrigued by ALL things vintage; clothing, jewelry, furniture, etc. I have even started frequenting garage sales to scavenger these finds. Its amazing what you can get and its practically being given away! Next thing you know I'm going to be placing an "I Break for Garage Sales" sticker on the back of the Lexus.....yeah, maybe not....but no offense to those of you that do.
Along with these firsts, I also had my first encounter at Luckenbach, Texas. How is it possible with my love of country music, boots and, well lets face it, beer, that I have managed to live 29 years having never been to this mecca of fun. I did not follow the masses and buy a t-shirt. However, I did purchase a bandanna (taking inspiration from Willy, Waylon....and the boys) and opted for a Lone Star instead of my usual Michelob Ultra. After all, who counts carbs or calories in Luckenbach....

*Must give credit to Tonia who informed me that it was Lita Ford who sings Annabell's song of choice. Tonia deserves an award for her vast knowledge of 80s pop culture....not to mention her ability to transform your everyday t-shirt.

**Also, a somewhat sincere apology to my dear friend Jamie for referencing the "bathtub" incident...perhaps I shouldn't have used your name....Oh well, won't be the first time that has happened to you.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Marabou Memories

Kelly Zant Photography took some very precious pictures of Annabell (and myself) at the historic Amphitheater in Big Spring, TX. It was very overcast and a bit chilly that day......which dear little Annabell was not thrilled about, nor was she thrilled about her marabou hat. But those are the perks of being a get to dress your child in whatever YOU want. However, Kelly made the most of it and ended up getting some cute shots. I highly recommend checking out her facebook page. She was a pleasure to work with!

On March 17th (St. Patty's Day....or Day O' Green Beer as I like to call it) was my first 29th birthday. We celebrated with dinner at Wall Street and then listened to a very "entertaining" band.........think about John Laroquet in the Wedding Singer. Their rendition of Poison was one not to be missed, not to mention the butchering of Lynard Skynard.......And what would be a birthday without a few shots of tequila to grimace down! Overall it was a grand get-together that really took my mind off of nearly being 30..YIKES!! Can't wait for next year when we celebrate my second 29th birthday.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I Forsee Alot of Two-Stepping in Her Future

On February 23rd, Annabell turned 3 months old......hard to imagine that I have had her for 3 entire months. Its also entertaining to see how much I have improved as a mother since the first days after bringing her home. For example, I can now simultaneously make bottles and hold her. I now feel comfortable taking a shower when it is just us at the house. It no longer takes me 10 minutes to change a dirty diaper. It no longer takes me 10 minutes to put her in her car seat. And last but certainly not least (drum roll please) I can now carry my Louie, diaper bag, car keys, sunglasses and baby carrier with baby safely strapped in and blanketed all by myself. I am also proud to say that I am 7 pounds away from being at my pre-baby weight! The combination of endless baby duties and Phentermine has really done the trick.

Annabell is growing by leaps and bounds. She weighs 11 1/2 pounds...50 percentile for her age. I always found this phrase comical when parents would use it..."oh he is in the 70 percentile"......I would think, no one cares...or knows what you are talking about. But now I do know and I do care, and its my blog. I digress.

At 3 months, she has really started developing her own personality. She occasionally laughs out loud (which mommy and especially daddy do everything possible to make this happen) and she has mastered her "fake cry", a small "mah" and then waits to see if someone picks her up or must immediately follow with another "mah". She watches cartoons, loves her play mat and bath time, and insists on being rocked to sleep for her naps. I have now become an authority on today's cartoons. They are much more educational now days than back when I was a fan. Dora is bilingual, one even teaches Mandarin and Sponge Bob....well I'm not really sure what Sponge Bob does (except freaks me out a little), but nearly all today's cartoons have some sort of lesson involved, which Nickelodeon is all too quick to point out.

Annabell is also developing her own musical taste. She enjoys Bon Jovi (the older stuff, back when his hair was flowing and he was singing about living on a prayer), Taylor Swift, anything Walt Disney and with a high pitched tone and to my dismay, older country. Now I don't mean 70s or 80s country. I'm talking about Willie's Place on XM radio, 40s or 50s country music.....especially if it has a fiddle (I think she gets that from her Yaya). Perhaps it is because their words are clearer than today's music, so it seems like someone is talking to her......Or perhaps she is developing an early affection for the honky-tonk scene. I'm not exactly sure on this one, but one day I will have to ask her the reasoning behind all of her likes and dislikes at this age......after all, she was even a fan of Vienna.

Alas.....I finally was brave enough to sit her in the Bumpo chair, after waiting 3 months and a few days just to be on the safe side........she hated it!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A is for Annabell...and Attitude

Just thought I would post a few pics of Miss Annabell Grey. She is now 2 months old and such a little doll. This past week has been a little rough on Mommy, Daddy and Baby as we are still struggling to find a formula that suits her. The most recent was definitely NOT a match. She became very clingy because her little tummy was hurting and cried constantly! At one point I was sure that she was no longer the sweet child I had brought home 10 weeks ago and now was certainly a new baby bearing the 666 mark in her hair somewhere. But all is well with her once again. She is back to smiling, cooing and captivating the hearts of everyone she meets! She loves playing in her bouncy chair, run/walks in her jogging stroller, Taylor Swift, car rides and can't stand to have her hands covered...which she will inevitably let you know all about if you attempt to put a blanket over them. She definitely has an attitude....wonder where she get that??

Annabell and her Yaya

Annabell sporting her tutu made by Ashley Conatser

Modeling her favorite hat

Such a Diva!!

AB in her Ed Hardy bib from Miss Jennifer
(Zac's favorite picture of her)

This was during the rough time....doesn't she look miserable!! And this was the only way she wanted to be held.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Santa, Spit-Up and Snowboarding

Oh how I do love the holidays. Most definitely my favorite time of the year...although I didn't do much decorating....something about having a newborn just took up a little too much time. But, luckily, there were plenty of decorations at Annabell's Yaya's house and Sita & Papa John's house to commemorate her 1st Christmas!

In honor of our little girl turning 1 month old, The Marshalls had a "Meet Annabell" party on Dec. 22nd. Of course, she wore the most darling Christmas dress picked out by Moi! And all of our guests passed her around and fought for a turn to hold her. We did not hear one disgruntled peep out of her, which just goes to show that she shall be quite the little social butterfly for she loves parties, people....and being held.

Santa was very good to Miss Annabell. He came to visit at my mom's house where she received tons of gifts including the most popular doll of the moment, Fancy Nancy and all of her accessories, a giant sock monkey, books, clothes and a refurbished chair from her "Sita". I got a pair of vintage cowboy boots I have been eyeing for months (my husband is really good at hiding things!), a beautiful strand of pearls and Chanel cover up the never ending odor of baby spit-up that seems to leak out of my pores! We finished up Christmas Day at the Marshalls where there was a fabulous Bloody Mary bar and what seemed like never-ending consumption of wine!

The day after Christmas, the Marshall family headed to Ruidoso for a few days. Usually on these holiday trips, we shop and hang out with Zac's family. This year, however, among shopping and dining, Zac and I decided to go snowboarding. Now keep in mind I have never snowboarded and was oh too excited about sporting my new low-rise Roxy ski pants! My excitement "bit the ice" so to speak, when I realized that it is not so easy to snowboard. Its cold, its hard on the legs, and you are continuously trying not to "catch edge" with your board! After half an hour of struggling, I decided to fore go the lift, and the launch down which would surely end in me plummeting to my death and opted to sit in the lodge instead. Three Bloody Marys and one Colorado Bulldog later....I had decided snowboarding was fun and we should make it a tradition every year. Although next year, we don't have to spend money on a lift ticket or renting a board for me, as they are not allowed in the lodge anyway.

Overall, Christmas was wonderful and we are so lucky to have the best Christmas gift of all, our dear little girl, who is growing up so fast. She is now holding her head up, sleeping almost all night and smiling back when we smile at nice to know its not just gas anymore.

"Meet Annabell" Party....I just had to coordinate our outfits!

Santa was certainly good to her!

Among all of her gifts

Sporting her new Christmas jammies!

Very tired from all of the excitement

Sipping Bloody Marys at the Marshalls

Annabell in her Christmas outfit with her Poppa Birdwell

Snow Bunny in Ruidoso

Just making a snow angel!!