Thursday, October 22, 2009

I Know, I Know...Finally!!

This afternoon was a very slow day in the health club market, so I took off a little early and decided to finish Annabell's nursery. I realize (as does everyone else who is constantly reminding me) that the baby is right around the corner and I need to get things together in her room. Thanks for all of the reminders, as my ever-growing belly isn't enough to give it away. Back to the task at hand, I have always had an idea of what I wanted it to look like (nothing too cheesy, vintage pieces, girly but not to excess) however, it just took me longer than most mommies-to-be to pull it all together. I have other expecting friends who had finished their nurseries long before I have and I must say, "Hats off to you guys"........but I was just not one of them. I even had one friend ask if I had started painting, before we even knew the sex!!! Do I look like a sea foam green kind of person? No offence to those that went that route, but that's not how I roll. I am happy to report, however, that I not only finished the nursery but took pictures. It is filled with new and old pieces, sweet little girl pieces and punk pieces, safari animals and mystical creatures all which captured my heart upon seeing them.

The harlequin diamond wall took Zac and me 15 hours to complete. It was a total pain in my @ss, but it turned out very cute.

Zac found this stuffed skull head at Nordstroms and we just had to have it! I like to think her bedding is some what Rocker-Chic!

Morgan the Unicorn was purchased by my mother at Neiman Marcos in 1980. He hung in my room for as long as I can remember and now I can share him with my daughter.

This ginormous painting of dalmatians, I found in an antique store in Big Spring. Love it!!

After searching high and low, Zac and I finally settled on this oh so comfy chenille glider. I am told we will spend hours in it!!

So there it is! Now Annabell can arrive and have a fabulous space to call her if only Zac and I could figure out how to put together that damn bouncy chair, she would be set!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Too Much of a Good Wonderful!!

This weekend was absolutely fabulous (minus the swollen ankles that I have developed). Saturday afternoon was my baby shower. Some of my dear friends and family put it together, and let me just say, they did a fabulous job!! I got absolutely everything that I needed and then some! (63 Washcloths, 27 Receiving Blankets, 14 regular blankets, 9 baby bath towels....just to name a few of the excess). Tons of friends attended, even several from out of town. Lots of pictures were taken....all knee and above as everyone was instructed to leave my "cankles" out of it, and all sorts of foods, punch and mimosas were consumed. (I stuck to the punch). The once organized nursery has now become a disaster once again, but I am well on my way to getting everything put in its place and promise to post pics of that ASAP.

Yesterday was our last baby class. That's right, we are official baby school graduates. We didn't get to walk the stage or anything, but we did get a nice certificate of completion to go in our baby I am sure Annabell is going to want to know that her parents were well informed before her arrival.

Today marked the last time that I will have to pee in a cup for awhile. Which is good because it was getting really hard to see in that area and was beginning to get messier with each check up (sorry if that was TMI). It was our last official check-up at the doctor. They took blood and did the whole "female exam" thing. Next week they perform the last sonogram to check the baby's weight and then we can discuss inducing up to two weeks prior to the due date. Time really has flown by......and frankly it scares the hell out of me!!! When these little break downs occur, I try to practice deep breathing, which then reminds me of Lamaze, which then reminds me that I didn't pay too much attention to that part of class because in my head I was thinking "epidural" keep me in your prayers!

Opening Gifts

Precious Table Setup

Auntie Danya, Mommy-to-be, and Yaya!!

Such a Darling Cake!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


My grandfather passed away two weeks ago from congestive heart failure. His quality of life had greatly declined in the last month, so we all knew it would not be long. However, I had hoped he would make it to see Annabell, as she is named after my grandmother who died over 30 years ago. But I know they are both up there smiling down on us and will see her from a far better place. But with his passing, came my eagerness to participate in this years American Heart Association Walk-a-thon (8 months pregnant and all!!).

It was held on the coldest morning that we have had in Midland, TX so far!! It was rainy and 44 degrees. But Zac and I got up at the crack of dawn, bundled up and set out for the coarse. I was a little shocked that coffee and donuts were not offered.....but Zac was all to quick to remind me that this was for the "heart" and that perhaps that was not the healthiest of breakfasts. We all started out at the same time, although I fell behind shortly after go........Determined not to be completely mortified I stepped it up a notch and went sailing through several "speed walkers". All the while my very fit and very capable husband sauntered along beside me as if my slower pace (or waddle) didn't bother him at all. Well I don't know if it was the cold or my need to empty the bladder but we completed our 3 miles in the top 30.....maybe 40, but whatever. Woohoo for me!!! We then made an even quicker appearance at Starbucks for a hot chocolate and pumpkin-cheesecake muffin. Overall, I was satisfied with our decision to participate all in memory of Bill Neal Jr.

This Saturday is my baby shower and I am too excited!! We have friends and family coming from everywhere and I have some of the greatest girls giving it for me! Even Zac is looking forward to making an appearance at the end. Whats even better is that all of this company has motivated me to finish the nursery and clean house......ok it didn't exactly motivate me to clean house but it did motivate me to hire someone to clean the house. And might I say that she did an outstanding job!! However, I will post pics of the nursery soon as it is nearly ready for viewing!!

American Heart Association Walk-A-Thon 2009 in Loving Memory of Bill Neal Jr.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

"One Pound Down"

Now I am not usually one to stress about my weight.....ok who am I kidding?? Anybody who knows me is having to pick themselves off the floor right now from laughter. However, when I found out that we were expecting, I indulged. I stopped worrying so much. Then last month really threw me for a loop when I had "blossomed" a little more than expected! (Pic to the right demonstrates this).
So I did an inside happy dance at our doctor's appointment today, when he said that I had not only NOT gained any weight since my last check up, but had even lost a pound!! According to Dr. Raja, everything is right on track and I will now start seeing him every two weeks until my 38th week, where I will see him every 7 days. Then he had a nice little conversation with my husband where "sex after delivery" and "will it go back to the same size" were the!

We are, now, over half way finished with our baby classes. This week we learned proper bathing techniques and the whole diaper-changing lingo. This may seem trivial to some, but Zac and I had never changed a diaper until last night. Granted it was on a doll, but she still maintained all limbs when we completed the task. Thumbs up!! Next week, proper installation of the car seat......Zac can't wait! (Sarcasm).