Sunday, September 27, 2009

She has her Daddy's nose!

Zac and I finally decided to get our 4-D sonogram. We just couldn't resist the idea that we could actually see what Miss Annabell looks like prior to labor and delivery as patience has never been my forte'. Even Zac often mimics me by saying, "I want it and I want it right now!!" while clenching his fists and stomping his foot. He thinks he's funny! But I digress.... Since I'm nearly at 32 weeks (the cut off for these sonograms) we had to act fast and the first place who could see us was in Abilene, TX, a two hour trek from our house. So bright and very early Saturday morning we drove there.

The lady at Stork Vision had advised me to eat something sugary, like a donut and to drink a coke to improve movement of the baby. So to be on the safe-side, I went ahead and ate two donuts, donut holes, and washed it all down with a chocolate milk and soda! Well.....moments after we arrived and signed in, I tossed my cookies....or donuts, if you will! Feeling very clammy but still excited, we laid in the dark room and looked at NOTHING. Only to be told that she was not positioned well and was not moving. I think she was in a sugar-coma. they gave me a bottle of apple juice to drink and had me walk around for 15 minutes......really apple juice??? On top of everything else, you expect me to drink an apple juice??? Fortunately, the juice seemed to do the trick and the next time we went in, she had moved and was being much more cooperative.

Zac and I have very interesting noses. His is Romanesque and somewhat larger than the average nose, where mine turns up a bit, much like a ski slope. So we were eager to see whose prevailed on our dainty little girl.........its his, without a doubt, it is his nose! However, she does have my very full and heart shaped lips, which Zac thought were deformed at first (always a good sign). But the sono tech assured us that everything is A-Ok with her and she even has a little hair! That means I should shop for more bows!!

Overall it was an awesome experience and I highly recommend Stork Vision for any expectant mothers out there! But maybe take it easy on the donuts......

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Health Class Comes in Handy!

Its already Tuesday night and I have not heard anything saying that I failed my 2nd Glucose Test!! Woohoo!!! I don't want to get too over zealous, but I think I am out of the woods.

Zac and I spent the weekend in Dallas for UFC 103. I boosted the economy with my oh so flexed shopping skills and consumed an enormous amount of carbs (just in case I failed the test and had to cut them out for the remainder of the pregnancy). I even enjoyed the fights, although that's really more Zac's thing. We were literally submerged in a Sea of "Tap Out" tees. But I did get to see Jenna Jameson, so that's one of the things I can cross off my "To do before I die" list. Overall the trip was fabulous. We shopped, ate and Zac drank til our little hearts were content. Only minor snag was me ordering Kobe Beef Sashimi at the Geisha House and then having to send it back to have it cooked......sometimes I forget that I'm preggo and not just hauling around some extra junk in my....well everywhere. But I'm pretty sure we made a lasting impression on the chef and the waiter..First time for everything as they would say. And Sashimi tastes just as good cooked medium well as it did in its al fresco state. Sunday, before we came home, we had brunch with Annabell's Fairy God-Person. Over mimosas (and plain orange juice for me), we laughed about the past and discussed how very attractive my husband is!!

Monday we made it through our second baby class. This one went much more smoothly, accept for the pale shade of green that Zac turned while watching the live birth times! I just try to keep in mind what dear Coach Larance told our health class, sophomore year, "Ladies, its just like a rubber band, it goes back". Encouraging words at this stage of the game! Looking back on it all, maybe health class really should be a required course.

UFC 103 (Fight Dress by Kassadie Barela...she is gifted.)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Riding the Short Bus to Baby Class

Monday marked the first official day of our 6 week baby coarse at the hospital. I have been eagerly awaiting this class because I feel as though it will really better me for Mommyhood. Keep in mind that neither Zac nor I have ever made a bottle or changed a diaper, so I was prepared to receive the "most improved" award at the end and maybe not graduate Valedictorian. However, I soon realized that I was not only not a candidate for Head of the Class, but I, apparently, ride the short bus! I was the only one in a classroom full of expecting couples who had not pre-registered at the hospital and who had not gotten a pediatrician. While my head is still reeling from information overload, the teacher then says, "You should do these!" My husband told a fellow friend that knowing me, I would have all of this taken care of by noon on Tuesday.......he was wrong. I actually had it all taken care of by 10am on Tuesday. I woke up extra early to get to labor and delivery by 8am, filled out all pre-registration papers, went to Midland Pediatrics, where I filled out more paper work for Dr. Sager, scheduled a consultation with him and even had time to book our 4-D sonogram. Who rides the short bus now!!!! Now I'm the annoying girl who sits in the front row and raises her hand eagerly to answer every question. (Although I must admit that while I was at the pediatric office filling out paper work, I entered all of MY mother's information in the "Patient's Mother" section.....I quickly crumpled it and ask for another packet......WOW is all I have to say). By mid-afternoon I was feeling like "Expectant Mother of the Year" when Dr. Raja called to inform me that the "Mother of the Year" failed her Glucose Tolerance test. So bright and early Wednesday morning, after fasting for 12 hours, I chugged what seemed like a gallon of pure sugar-ass drink and let the nurse take my blood every hour on the hour for the next 3 hours........I have not received the results from this one just yet, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I passed. Even if its not my usual "A", I'll gladly take a 70 on this one!!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

"You had a BIG Labor Day Weekend didn't you"

Sad to say, these were the words that came out of my OBGYN's mouth yesterday at my 29th week doctor appointment. Apparently and rather astonishingly, I had gained 10 pounds since my last visit 5 weeks ago. This is not a great deal of weight (according to Dr. Raja) however, it was for me since I have been averaging 5 pounds per visit. Hence the phrase, "Well, looks like you had a big Labor Day".......he soon followed by the phrase, "I don't know where you are putting it, you are still so tiny"....but, being female and hormonal, the damage was already done!! The tears were starting to well up and I courageously fought them off....until I got in the car that is. I was informed, very sternly I might add, that I am not to diet. However, I did make better decisions today in my eating habits. I even refused the donuts that were offered at the gym. Which brings me to another point-why are personal trainers bringing donuts to a gym???? Conundrum!

On a lighter note (pun intended), I successfully survived the Glucose Tolerance test that had been weighing heavily (pun intended again) on my mind. Now if I passed, well that is another story entirely. However, I did keep down all fluid and didn't even whine when blood was taken. Although I did tell Zac more than a few times that my arm felt as if it might fall off. But that was more to deter his attention to my arm and not my body, which is apparently 10 pounds heavier. He has yet to mention that he has noticed any weight gain.....very very wise hubby of mine.

Labor Day 2008........One year and Several pounds ago......