Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sometimes One Must Make Their Own Fun

With all of the hooplah of trend-setters these days, I feel it's important to instill in Annabell the desire to make her own statement and to follow only those that she feels are worthy. So that being said, here is a list of things Nan and I are currently into:

1. Crazy Hair - My child has always had a head full of hair, usually on the disobedient side. Instead of fighting to control each strand, we now let it fall where it may, so to speak. It is coming in as blonde as mine, although her tips are still very dark. A lady in Walmart actually ask if it was natural, to which I wanted to reply, "No mam, I'm the white trash that would dye my 10 month old's hair....rrrrrreally?" But instead, I politely smiled and said, "Yes, the new growth is just exceptionally light."

2. Slip Skirts - This is a fun, romantic way to sport something a little different. Paired with a rocker tee or tank top makes a fabulous bohemian statement.....much to the chagrin of the elderly ladies at Dillard's; but the Sprint Store Man gave it two very enthusiastic thumbs up!

3. Fairy Tales - I had decided to decorate Annabell's new room in a whimsical Fairy Tale them. I even started a collection of Gustafson prints all fairy tale related. However, her room soon ran out of, so now the entire house is filled with Alice and other versions of the stories we love! You're just never too old for the classics.

4. "Uh-Oh" - The Nannerbell picked this up recently because as all parents do, I would say this when she "dropped" objects and looked helplessly at me. Now we, and I do mean WE, say it constantly. AB will say it 400 times before breakfast, but I find myself saying it even when she is not around.

5. Cats - Those that know me, know I have never been a "cat person"....I will most definitely never be the "Crazy Cat Lady" down the street (just the Crazy Lady). My hate for the feline creature increased further when I was forced to own two of them when I married (of course, part of this stemmed from the thought that my husband loved them more than me....I still think I might be on to something here).....but I digress.....We have recently adopted, or should I say she adopted us, Grisabella, a beautiful grey tabby certainly worthy of her name. I'll admit that I can not wait to open the front door every morning and watch she and Annabell play through the glass. But I have yet to let them play in person for fear AB will pull a "Lenny" from Of Mice and Men and pet the kitty too hard.

6. A Bit of Goth - I have always been a fan of black fingernails and toes, even painting Annabell's father's this color when he would allow it. But this has somewhat trickled into my decorating as well. I ordered a 2 foot tall skeleton couple dressed in cocktail attire from Grindonhouse, originally for Halloween. However, now I'm considering leaving them out all year as they are really too precious to be packed away. Plus they go perfectly with the Gothic black candlestick and chandelier I recently purchased.

7. Buddy Bands - (Seester laughing in the background) But seriously, these are a quite clever idea. What says "I love our friendship" more than passing along a piece of rubber shaped like a cherished object such as a football, animal, insect, etc.? Or what says, "I'm not that fond of you" like denying someone a buddy band or passing along one that you feel meh about? (Side note - "Meh" is a new word that has made it into the dictionary, meaning you could take it or leave it; having little to no feeling either way. I challenge you to use it in a sentence today). My sister is the only one I have actually exchanged bands with, after forcing her to purchase some so we could share....and after her mocking, you better believe she has received the meh ones!

8. Black Berry - I'll be the first to admit I am truly technologically challenged, so the thought of having to use this contraption, quite frankly, scared the hell out of me. However, having my 10 month old love my old phone in a manner that included tossing it to down right spiking it on the ground multiple times, meant an upgrade for myself was inevitable. I am happy to report that I am getting the hang of it! I'm sure I don't even come close to utilizing all of its potential, but that's why I have the Sprint Man on speed dial.....oh who are we kidding, I haven't mastered speed dial yet either.

9. McClaren Stroller - Or "Buggy" as the British maker informed me. I was a bit shocked that an umbrella stroller could cost over $200 when I only paid $19 for a perfectly good one at Toys R Us. But upon pushing this thing, it is well worth every penny! It is taller which eliminates stooping and reclines for AB's comfort. Plus it's purple......and YES that is important!

10. Affection - I have always been one to force my affection on people, family, spouses (usually only my own), children, animals, etc. So it is quite comical to see my daughter following in those footsteps. She loves to hug, even stopping from whatever toy or book has her attention to crawl over and wrap herself around you. She has now started kissing, which means mouth wide open and enveloping your nose, lips, eye, cheek, elbow, leg, get the point; and even attempts to cuddle Baby Ayo (who no doubt is screaming on the inside at the sight of her crawling towards him). And, of course, when I say cuddle, I'm using the term very very loosely.

She is so much like her mommy both on the inside and out which I see as a good thing.....some may disagree. But with her dark tips, painted toe nails, boho chic ensemble and rolling in her purple buggy, she is truly an individual and I hope always remains that way!

Just waiting to pounce on someone she loves!

Cuddling Baby Ayo

Purple Perfection

Slip Skirt and our Crazy Hair